Friday, 21 September 2007

Swansea Student taster surfing lessons at Progress surf Academy a swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool

Swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy offer Swansea Student taster surfing lessons in Swansea and surfing lessons in Gower. Learn to surf Gower, learn to surf swansea and learn to surf Wales in a fun, friendly and safe surfing environment all equipment included at greatly discounted prices. As a one off surfing experience or as part of a course of Welsh surfing lessons you are garanteed a fantastic time with our Progress surf Academy Welsh surfing instructors in the Gower surf and Swansea surf! We opporate student taster surfing lessons 7 days a week at Caswell and Llangennith beaches Gower S. Wales. Pricing can be viewed here

1 comment:

my blog said...

Sounds to be very adventurous and entertaining.

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